The English Quiz

A Selection of Talent Acquisition News You May Have Missed

31 July 2018

Texting Talent, Evolving Roles in Talent Management, Get More Out of Your Recruitment Metrics and Attract Innovative Talent


We wanted to make sure you didn’t miss out on the latest talent acquisition and recruiting news. Add these four articles to your summer reading list - covering talent acquisition hiring, texting candidates and recruitment metrics.


The Dos and Don'ts When Texting Talent

Several professional recruiters were polled and SHRM has developed their “Three Texting Rules for Recruiters” for sending text messages to candidates. As pointed out, effective text communication with new talent can increase reaction time and improve candidate experience. Texting as a form of candidate outreach can be highly successful but calls for following certain social norms and adopting specific rules of engagement.


Once upon a time, the HR was the only department responsible for talent acquisition.
Not anymore…

Nowadays, talent management has evolved beyond the HR department and has become part of strategic workforce planning. According to CEO World, managers — not HR employees — are the ones primarily responsible for talent acquisition and development. This shift empowers managers but also makes them accountable for recruitment decisions that use to be the responsibility of HR departments alone.


What Recruitment Metrics Can Do for You

There was a time not too long ago when recruitment was 100% human driven. These days, however, there are automated solutions to help you go beyond the “big three” recruitment criteria: time to hire, quality of hire, and cost of hire. By automatically tracking metrics like diversity of hiring, application completion rate, offer acceptance rate, and others, you can quickly retrieve and share stats with executives and colleagues. What top exec wouldn’t appreciate that?


Did you know?

If you want to attract innovative talent then you need to think about incorporating innovative procedures in your recruitment process.


Four Ways to Recruit Innovative Talent

Innovative talent will help you reduce costs and improve productivity. Merely listing ‘innovation’ as a job requirement or seeing it used as a buzzword on an applicant’s Linkedin profile is not enough. If you want to attract innovative talent then innovative procedures should be implemented in your company's recruitment processes. You should examine every level of your pipelining, sourcing and interviewing processes. Start by looking at these four areas.


Talent acquisition strategies and procedures are rapidly evolving. New tools and approaches are continually being developed to improve productivity as well as attract and retain better talent. One tool you might want to consider is The English Quiz. The English Quiz offers a wide variety of quick and reliable online English assessments. Use our tests or customize your own to evaluate English levels for talent acquisition, training or mobility. The English Quiz is offered as an easy to use platform or integrated into your existing HR system. Request a demo or go to for more info.

About The English Quiz

The English Quiz is a modern and flexible English language assessment solution designed to meet the diverse screening needs of international corporations. The English Quiz's SaaS platform offers a vast portfolio of ready-made English skills tests that are easily deployed. The English Quiz enhances the corporate assessment process by providing real life language performance indicators that help corporations make informed decisions on recruitment, benchmarking and workforce development.
Stay tuned! We will continue to update The English Quiz. If you have any questions or suggestions, please get in touch!