The English Quiz

The New Updated Mon Compte Formation App and Annual CPF Figures

11 March 2021

In November 2019, the French Employment Ministry launched the application MonCompteFormation, the app that manages the CPF (Compte Personnel de Formation), government-funded professional training program. This app was designed to provide salaried employees and the unemployed with the opportunity to be more independent in managing their professional training.


A new version of the MonCompteFormation application was made available at the beginning of February 2021. With this latest update came new functionalities. Let’s take a look at those and a quick summary of the app’s first year.


New Functionalities


Over the course of February and March the MonCompteFormation application will include 2 new main functions primarily focused on evaluations and searching.

Evaluations: This month, app users will be able to see evaluation scores for 5 main criteria for each training program.


Each training program is now evaluated based on the following:


    • Welcome
    • Training content
    • Trainers​
    • Training materials
    • Trainee support


Searching: In addition to the current search capabilities, the ability to search by evaluation scores will also be made available. Trainees will be able to search based on the above evaluation criteria.


MonCompteFormation A Successful First Year


The Caisse des dépôts et consignations (CDC) administrator of MonCompteFormation has announced a summary of its usage after one year. Not only did the app increase CPF usage but the COVID crisis also contributed to increased training expenses.


According to the Caisse des dépôts et consignations (CDC), the application included:


    • 1,83 million downloads
    • 12,53 million active profiles
    • 17,000 training organisms listed
    • 316,000 training programs offered
    • 5,200 certificates registered via the EDOF platform


As of November 4, 2020, the Compte Personnel de Formation (CPF) had:

    • 38,02 million CPF accounts
    • Average balance of 1,280 euros


The government set a goal of 1 million users for the first year, which was more than achieved! English continues to be one of the top training demands on the app.


Training programs including the English 360° certificate are easily available on the app, search for “English 360°” or one of our partners for more information.


About The English Quiz

The English Quiz is a modern and flexible English language assessment solution designed to meet the diverse screening needs of international corporations. The English Quiz's SaaS platform offers a vast portfolio of ready-made English skills tests that are easily deployed. The English Quiz enhances the corporate assessment process by providing real life language performance indicators that help corporations make informed decisions on recruitment, benchmarking and workforce development.
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